Denmark helpline StopSpillet receives nearly 3,000 calls in first five years

StopSpillet was introduced on 1 January 2019, providing advice and guidance to those in Denmark who are concerned over their gambling habits.
A new report revealed that since its launch, StopSpillet has received 2,933 inquiries, with figures suggesting that a large percentage of those callers have a problematic relationship with gambling. Players calling for themselves were responsible for just over 1,650 inquiries, accounting for 56% of the total.
Additionally, 1,150 inquiries, or 40% of the total inquiries, came from relatives of players. In around half of those calls, it was a parent getting in contact with StopSpillet. Meanwhile, 4% of calls came from professionals.
On the ongoing development of StopSpillet, the report read: “The Gambling Authority works continuously to spread awareness of StopSpillet, for example through campaigns.
“Trained counsellors sit by the phone when players, relatives or professionals call the help line. The advisers work continuously to develop their knowledge and skills.”
Online gambling dominates StopSpillet calls
When players call StopSpillet, the helpline asks what games the caller plays to establish where the majority of problems lie.
StopSpillet revealed that 67% of calls were about online casino and online betting. Physical bets and physical slot machines accounted for 20%, while players also mentioned poker and land-based casino betting.
When players call StopSpillet, they can also undertake a test which allows players to clarify whether they have a problematic relationship with gambling.
StopSpillet revealed that on average, callers score 5.94 on a scale of 0 to 9, with a score of 4 or above indicating that players have an issue with gambling.
Previous StopSpillet data identifies Denmark’s youth gambling problem
This new StopSpillet report follows data from May 2023 in which Spillemyndigheden uncovered that 88% of callers to the helpline had placed their first bet when they were 25 or younger.
Even though the age limit to gamble in Denmark is 18, 50% of callers had placed their first bet before the age of 17.
Research released in November revealed that 4% of calls to StopSpillet were from players aged under 18.